BREA human & synthetic blend hair

Regular price $110.00
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BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair
BREA human & synthetic blend hair

The BREA WIG is a light purple color , lace front cap -  150% , silky curly texture or silky straight, transparent lace color.

Blend human hair and synthetic Futura hair

High quality unprocessed human virgin hair and premium synthetic hair; heathy , soft , smooth, full volume.

✔ Precustomized for a Natural effect ( Pre plucked hairline : natural looking )

✔ Designed for laying without glue or stitching

✔ Average (medium) cap with combs and adjustable straps
✔ Lace cap with adjustable straps and band for extra security

✔ Interior Pliers

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